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  • Original Series 1 Art Info

    Here is a list of Original Series 1 final art. If it has been sold it will show the following items:

    When it was sold
    Who it was sold to
    The price it sold for

    If it hasn't sold yet, it won't have any of the above information.

    Date: 1985
    Series: 1st
    Cards: 1a/b - 41a/b

    Pieces Left: 1

    Pieces Sold:
    Highest Price:
    Lowest Price:
    Average Price:
    Total Price:

  • #2
    Card: 1a / 1b
    Name: Nasty Nick / Evil Eddie
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: August 10-17, 2003
    High Bidder: de-mented
    Final Price: $8,300.00


    Card: 2a / 2b
    Name: Junkfood John / Ray Decay
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: August 21-28, 2002
    High Bidder: de-mented
    Final Price: $1,855.00


    Card: 3a / 3b
    Name: Up Chuck / Heavin' Steven
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: April 18-25, 2005
    High Bidder: vado4
    Final Price: $3,162.69


    Card: 4a / 4b
    Name: Fryin' Brian / Electric Bill
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: October 29-November 5, 2003
    High Bidder: gmcosso
    Final Price: $2,127.20


    Card: 5a / 5b
    Name: Dead Ted / Jay Decay
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: May 5-12, 2003
    High Bidder: horror_monster
    Final Price: $2,839.99


    Card: 6a / 6b
    Name: Art Apart / Busted Bob
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: July 20-27, 2004
    High Bidder: waytoliveuptoyourfiduciaryresponsibility
    Final Price: $2,224.99


    Card: 7a / 7b
    Name: Stormy Heather / April Showers
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: July 23-30, 2003
    High Bidder: ibuygpkfinalart
    Final Price: $2,225.00


    Card: 8a / 8b
    Name: Adam Bomb / Blasted Billy
    Artist: John Pound

    High Bidder:
    Final Price:


    Card: 9a / 9b
    Name: Boozin' Bruce / Drunk Ken
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: April 23-30, 2003
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $1,666.00


    Card: 10a / 10b
    Name: Tee-Vee Stevie / Geeky Gary
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: May 29-June 5, 2002
    High Bidder: -Private Auction-
    Final Price: $1,775.00


    Card: 11a / 11b
    Name: Itchy Richie / Bugged Bert
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: (?)
    High Bidder: (?)
    Final Price: (?)


    Card: 12a / 12b
    Name: Furry Fran / Hairy Mary
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: April 28-May 5, 2003
    High Bidder: judgedavid
    Final Price: $1,328.33


    Card: 13a / 13b
    Name: Ashcan Andy / Spacey Stacy
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: July 27-August 3, 2003
    High Bidder: db2995
    Final Price: $3,203.00


    Card: 14a / 14b
    Name: Potty Scotty / Jason Basin
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: July 1-8, 2004
    High Bidder: peel_here
    Final Price: $2,224.00


    Card: 15a / 15b
    Name: Ailin' Al / Mauled Paul
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: October 6-13, 2002
    High Bidder: hhsato
    Final Price: $1,135.10


    Card: 16a / 16b
    Name: Weird Wendy / Haggy Maggie
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: October 28-November 4, 2003
    High Bidder: gmcosso
    Final Price: $2,026.03


    Card: 17a / 17b
    Name: Wacky Jackie / Loony Lenny
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: December 30-January 6, 2005
    High Bidder: bezoot
    Final Price: $2,060.02


    Card: 18a / 18b
    Name: Cranky Frankie / Bad Brad
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: (?)
    High Bidder: (?)
    Final Price: (?)


    Card: 19a / 19b
    Name: Corroded Carl / Crater Chris
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: February 7-14, 2005
    High Bidder: perpetualtime
    Final Price: $2,062.84


    Card: 20a / 20b
    Name: Swell Mel / Dressy Jesse
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: June 9-16, 2002
    High Bidder: goldb79160
    Final Price: $1,275.00


    Card: 21a / 21b
    Name: Virus Iris / Sicky Vicky
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: December 11-18, 2005
    High Bidder: bezoot
    Final Price: $2,751.99


    Card: 22a / 22b
    Name: Junky Jeff / Stinky Stan
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: July 20-27, 2005
    High Bidder: mrweezer
    Final Price: $2,551.42


    Card: 23a / 23b
    Name: Drippy Dan / Leaky Lou
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: June 15-22, 2004
    High Bidder: mrvgexmt
    Final Price: $1,525.00


    Card: 24a / 24b
    Name: Nervous Rex / Nerdy Norm
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: December 6-13, 2005
    High Bidder: regginville
    Final Price: $4,550.00


    Card: 25a / 25b
    Name: Creepy Carol / Scary Carrie
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: July 21-28, 2003
    High Bidder: cvolp23
    Final Price: $2,282.78


    Card: 26a / 26b
    Name: Slobby Robbie / Fat Matt
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: August 20-27, 2002
    High Bidder: gpkid
    Final Price: $1,525.00


    Card: 27a / 27b
    Name: Brainy Janie / Jenny Genius
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: November 24-December 1, 2005
    High Bidder: happydayrich
    Final Price: $5,931.00


    Card: 28a / 28b
    Name: Oozy Suzy / Meltin' Melissa
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: November 28-December 5, 2004
    High Bidder: mrlax
    Final Price: $1,083.83


    Card: 29a / 29b
    Name: Bony Joanie / Thin Lynn
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: May 18-25, 2003
    High Bidder: james8
    Final Price: $2,650.00


    Card: 30a / 30b
    Name: New Wave Dave / Graffiti Petey
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: December 20-27, 2006
    High Bidder: mrweezer
    Final Price: $5,655.55


    Card: 31a / 31b
    Name: Run Down Rhoda / Flat Pat
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: July 19-26, 2004
    High Bidder: waytoliveuptoyourfiduciaryresponsibility
    Final Price: $1,700.00


    Card: 32a / 32b
    Name: Frigid Bridget / Chilly Millie
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: January 5-12, 2005
    High Bidder: vado4
    Final Price: $2,253.88


    Card: 33a / 33b
    Name: Mad Mike / Savage Stuart
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: May 7-14, 2003
    High Bidder: pez4prez
    Final Price: $2,199.99


    Card: 34a / 34b
    Name: Kim Kong / Anna Banana
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: November 16-23, 2005
    High Bidder: mrweezer
    Final Price: $2,726.66


    Card: 35a / 35b
    Name: Wrinkly Randy / Rockin' Robert
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: May 24-31, 2002
    High Bidder: -Private Auction-
    Final Price: $1,825.00


    Card: 36a / 36b
    Name: Wrappin' Ruth / Tommy Tomb
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: April 27-May 4, 2003
    High Bidder: trsoo
    Final Price: $1,883.76


    Card: 37a / 37b
    Name: GuilloTina / Cindy Lopper
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: September 25-October 2, 2005
    High Bidder: vado4
    Final Price: $1,900.00


    Card: 38a / 38b
    Name: Slimy Sam / Lizard Liz
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: December 9-16, 2004
    High Bidder: lionelhutz_381
    Final Price: $1,025.00


    Card: 39a / 39b
    Name: Buggy Betty / Green Jean
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: (?)
    High Bidder: (?)
    Final Price: (?)


    Card: 40a / 40b
    Name: Unstitched Mitch / Damaged Don
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: May 31-June 7, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $1,225.00


    Card: 41a / 41b
    Name: Mean Gene / Joltin' Joe
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: June 24-July 1, 2002
    High Bidder: goldb79160
    Final Price: $1,452.98


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