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  • Original Series 8 Art Info

    Here is a list of Original Series 8 final art. If it has been sold it will show the following items:

    When it was sold
    Who it was sold to
    The price it sold for

    If it hasn't sold yet, it won't have any of the above information.

    Date: 1987
    Series: 8th
    Cards: 293a/b - 334a/b

    Pieces Left: 1

    Pieces Sold:
    Highest Price:
    Lowest Price:
    Average Price:
    Total Price:

  • #2
    Card: 293a / 293b
    Name: Explorin' Norman / Drillin' Dylan
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    High Bidder:
    Final Price:


    Card: 294a / 294b
    Name: Weird Wendell / Luke At Me
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: March 11-18, 2004
    High Bidder: wattyler
    Final Price: $910.00


    Card: 295a / 295b
    Name: Charlie Horse / Amusement Parker
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: April 8-15, 2004
    High Bidder: c_notebob
    Final Price: $430.00


    Card: 296a / 296b
    Name: Plucked Daisy / Wiltin' Milton
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: April 20-27, 2006
    High Bidder: mrweezer
    Final Price: $516.67


    Card: 297a / 297b
    Name: Yul Tied / Murray Christmas
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: December 3-10, 2003
    High Bidder: gmcosso
    Final Price: $630.00


    Card: 298a / 298b
    Name: Bloody Mary / Donna Donor
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: (?)
    High Bidder: (?)
    Final Price: (?)


    Card: 299a / 299b
    Name: Buck Puck / Lowell Goal
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: December 10-17, 2003
    High Bidder: gmcosso
    Final Price: $705.00


    Card: 300a / 300b
    Name: Corrina Corona / Smoky Joe
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: September 7-14, 2006
    High Bidder: mrweezer
    Final Price: $960.00


    Card: 301a / 301b
    Name: Bowling Elaine / Mike Strike
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: (?)
    High Bidder: (?)
    Final Price: (?)


    Card: 302a / 302b
    Name: Mixed-Up Mick / Artificial Mitchell
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: August 26-September 2, 2002
    High Bidder: bigpaul
    Final Price: $560.00


    Card: 303a / 303b
    Name: Hung Up Hank / Coat Rack Zack
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: July 22-29, 2004
    High Bidder: waytoliveuptoyourfiduciaryresponsibility
    Final Price: $356.99


    Card: 304a / 304b
    Name: Rubbin' Robyn / Soapy Opie
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: (?)
    High Bidder: (?)
    Final Price: (?)


    Card: 305a / 305b
    Name: Grate Scott / Reggie Veggie
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: June 21-28, 2006
    High Bidder: thetoylab
    Final Price: $567.98


    Card: 306a / 306b
    Name: Midge Fridge / Leftover Grover
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: January 20-27, 2005
    High Bidder: mrweezer
    Final Price: $600.00


    Card: 307a / 307b
    Name: Divin' Ivan / Walter Sport
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: September 26-October 3, 2005
    High Bidder: mrweezer
    Final Price: $510.03


    Card: 308a / 308b
    Name: Fritz Spritz / Ella P. Record
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: January 7-14, 2008
    High Bidder: lionel_hutz381
    Final Price: $666.66


    Card: 309a / 309b
    Name: Heartless Hal / Bowen Arrow
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: February 11-18, 2004
    High Bidder: pez4prez
    Final Price: $730.00


    Card: 310a / 310b
    Name: Stinkin' Stella / Smellin' Helen
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: December 11-18, 2003
    High Bidder: gmcosso
    Final Price: $525.00


    Card: 311a / 311b
    Name: Stu Spew / Slimin' Simon
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: June 6-13, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $660.00


    Card: 312a / 312b
    Name: Moe Bile / Dang Len
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: April 29-May 6, 2004
    High Bidder: imapackman
    Final Price: $429.00


    Card: 313a / 313b
    Name: Graham Bell / Death Nell
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: April 24-May 1, 2006
    High Bidder: lionelhutz_381
    Final Price: $462.00


    Card: 314a / 314b
    Name: Shifting Sandy / Grainy Janey
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: August 2-9, 2006
    High Bidder: bmorgan2175rp
    Final Price: $455.00


    Card: 315a / 315b
    Name: Messy Bessie / Unclean Helene
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: March 24-31, 2004
    High Bidder: torpedoboy4
    Final Price: $429.99


    Card: 316a / 316b
    Name: Flowin' Owen / Russell Spout
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: December 22-29, 2003
    High Bidder: cvolp23
    Final Price: $366.16


    Card: 317a / 317b
    Name: James Flames / Burnin' Vernon
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: January 18-25, 2004
    High Bidder: comet71
    Final Price: $399.00


    Card: 318a / 318b
    Name: Haley's Vomit / Inter Stella
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: May 29-June 5, 2002
    High Bidder: -Private Auction-
    Final Price: $699.45


    Card: 319a / 319b
    Name: Chopped Susie / Shana Saw
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: (?)
    High Bidder: (?)
    Final Price: (?)


    Card: 320a / 320b
    Name: Pumping Aaron / Will Explode
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: July 15-22, 2004
    High Bidder: jsemerad
    Final Price: $280.23


    Card: 321a / 321b
    Name: Squashed Josh / Squoze Rose
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: December 23-30, 2003
    High Bidder: lionelhutz_381
    Final Price: $460.59


    Card: 322a / 322b
    Name: K.O.'D Karl / Sparrin' Warren
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: April 27-May 4, 2004
    High Bidder: torpedoboy4
    Final Price: $435.00


    Card: 323a / 323b
    Name: Piece O' Lisa / Wedding Bella
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: June 16-23, 2004
    High Bidder: lionelhutz_381
    Final Price: $429.04


    Card: 324a / 324b
    Name: Waffle Ira / Griddled Greta
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: November 27-December 4, 2005
    High Bidder: trsoo
    Final Price: $664.00


    Card: 325a / 325b
    Name: Marcel Parcel / Handle With Caren
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: November 29-December 6, 2005
    High Bidder: vado4
    Final Price: $430.00


    Card: 326a / 326b
    Name: Leather Heather / Chained Shane
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: December 4-11, 2003
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $585.75


    Card: 327a / 327b
    Name: Needled Nina / Knittin' Brittany
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: December 14-21, 2003
    High Bidder: gpksr4me
    Final Price: $543.99


    Card: 328a / 328b
    Name: Glowing Amber / Bright Dwight
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: (?)
    High Bidder: wattyler
    Final Price: (?)


    Card: 329a / 329b
    Name: Lem Phlegm / Gezundt Heidi
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: January 22-29, 2004
    High Bidder: imapackman
    Final Price: $403.97


    Card: 330a / 330b
    Name: Lotta Lotta / Dupli-Kit
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: December 3-10, 2003
    High Bidder: dserna1
    Final Price: $460.00


    Card: 331a / 331b
    Name: Page Cage / Tommy Ache
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: January 21-28, 2004
    High Bidder: joeamberjack
    Final Price: $435.00


    Card: 332a / 332b
    Name: Sling Scott / Teddy Aim Fire
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: August 23-30, 2005
    High Bidder: vado4
    Final Price: $415.00


    Card: 333a / 333b
    Name: Ortho Donny / Ruth Canal
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: February 2-9, 2006
    High Bidder: vado4
    Final Price: $513.83


    Card: 334a / 334b
    Name: Ashley To Ashes / Dustin To Dust
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: July 27-August 3, 2004
    High Bidder: mvaughn
    Final Price: $975.00


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