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  • Original Series 15 Art Info

    Here is a list of Original Series 15 final art. If it has been sold it will show the following items:

    When it was sold
    Who it was sold to
    The price it sold for

    If it hasn't sold yet, it won't have any of the above information.

    Date: 1988
    Series: 15th
    Cards: 581a/b - 620a/b

    Pieces Left: 1

    Pieces Sold:
    Highest Price:
    Lowest Price:
    Average Price:
    Total Price:

  • #2
    Card: 581a / 581b
    Name: Shel Game / 3-Card Monte
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: November 12-19, 2002
    High Bidder: pez4prez
    Final Price: $535.00


    Card: 582a / 582b
    Name: Take-Out Dinah / Chow Mame
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: October 27-November 3, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $333.00


    Card: 583a / 583b
    Name: Lyle Tile / Harry Glyph
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: September 29-October 6, 2002
    High Bidder: slappy-doo
    Final Price: $355.00


    Card: 584a / 584b
    Name: Slimy Hymie / Crawlin' Rollin
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: October 28-November 4, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $310.00


    Card: 585a / 585b
    Name: Picky Nick / Beulah Ghoul
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: November 3-10, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $310.00


    Card: 586a / 586b
    Name: Peter Cheater / Dean List
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: November 27-December 4, 2002
    High Bidder: appletonwiusa
    Final Price: $392.98


    Card: 587a / 587b
    Name: Cornelia Flake / Mala Nutrition
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: November 5-12, 2002
    High Bidder: c_notebob
    Final Price: $535.00


    Card: 588a / 588b
    Name: Yo! Gert / Ice Cream Connie
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: December 5-12, 2002
    High Bidder: db2995
    Final Price: $375.00


    Card: 589a / 589b
    Name: Ecch Benedict / Brain Les
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: November 3-10, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $328.32


    Card: 590a / 590b
    Name: Little Leak Len / Snot-Ball Saul
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: January 1-8, 2003
    High Bidder: db2995
    Final Price: $1,002.00


    Card: 591a / 591b
    Name: Frank Footer / Dog Bites Boyd
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: November 20-27, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $310.02


    Card: 592a / 592b
    Name: Extra Dexter / Flabby Abby
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: December 3-10, 2002
    High Bidder: appletonwiusa
    Final Price: $402.00


    Card: 593a / 593b
    Name: Footloose Fred / Lucky Lew
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: May 24-31, 2002
    High Bidder: -Private Auction-
    Final Price: $1,115.00


    Card: 594a / 594b
    Name: Tied Di / Knotty Lottie
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: November 7-14, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $227.76


    Card: 595a / 595b
    Name: Mal Practice / Intensive Carrie
    Artist: John Pound

    High Bidder:
    Final Price:


    Card: 596a / 596b
    Name: Sani Klaus / Sick Nick
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: December 18-25, 2002
    High Bidder: selling2003
    Final Price: $788.87


    Card: 597a / 597b
    Name: Harry Armpits / Under Arnie
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: September 25-October 2, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $228.51


    Card: 598a / 598b
    Name: Vise Guy / Hugh Fix-It
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: October 15-22, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $237.50


    Card: 599a / 599b
    Name: Bern-Out / Dim-Bulb Bob
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: November 11-18, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $350.90


    Card: 600a / 600b
    Name: Vendo-Matt / Doug Slug
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: June 29-July 6, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $910.03


    Card: 601a / 601b
    Name: Losin' Wade / Hy Cholesterol
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: November 10-17, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $275.00


    Card: 602a / 602b
    Name: Upside Donna / Two-Fer Juan
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: June 26-July 3, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $537.00


    Card: 603a / 603b
    Name: Mitch Mitt / Foul Bill
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: September 26-October 3, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $414.99


    Card: 604a / 604b
    Name: Sandi Box / Cat Litter
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: June 25-July 2, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $422.00


    Card: 605a / 605b
    Name: Windy Mindy / Birthday Kate
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: June 25-July 2, 2002
    High Bidder: goldb79160
    Final Price: $537.00


    Card: 606a / 606b
    Name: Foul-Towel Raoul / Muddy Buddy
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: November 19-26, 2002
    High Bidder: horror_monster
    Final Price: $304.99


    Card: 607a / 607b
    Name: Kit Video / Ham Actor
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: November 11-18, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $286.06


    Card: 608a / 608b
    Name: Fairy Mary / Stinker Belle
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: October 16-23, 2002
    High Bidder: c_notebob
    Final Price: $255.00


    Card: 609a / 609b
    Name: Dewy Dewey / Dank Frank
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: November 17-24, 2002
    High Bidder: yeean
    Final Price: $415.00


    Card: 610a / 610b
    Name: Beau Constricted / Coiled Carl
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: October 14-21, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $255.02


    Card: 611a / 611b
    Name: Acid Wayne / Polluted Paul
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: August 2-9, 2002
    High Bidder: c_notebob
    Final Price: $1,803.87


    Card: 612a / 612b
    Name: Shoe Lacey / Weird Walker
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: October 29-November 5, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $212.76


    Card: 613a / 613b
    Name: Bag Piper / Great Scott
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: November 20-27, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $305.02


    Card: 614a / 614b
    Name: Fillin' Dylan / Cutting Juan
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: August 3-10, 2002
    High Bidder: c_notebob
    Final Price: $551.90


    Card: 615a / 615b
    Name: Preston Change-O / Sleight Of Hans
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: June 5-12, 2002
    High Bidder: blueyesman
    Final Price: $449.44


    Card: 616a / 616b
    Name: Alec Gator / Croco-Dale
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: (?)
    High Bidder: c_notebob
    Final Price: (?)


    Card: 617a / 617b
    Name: Claude Flesh / Slasher Asher
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: June 23-30, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $910.09


    Card: 618a / 618b
    Name: Paper Dolly / Catie Cut-Up
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: November 10-17, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $277.99


    Card: 619a / 619b
    Name: V.C. Arnie / Cassette Casey
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: October 28-November 4, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $264.00


    Card: 620a / 620b
    Name: Ada Bomb / Blasted Betty
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: October 29-November 5, 2002
    High Bidder: de-mented
    Final Price: $587.00


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