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  • All-New Series 2 Art Info

    Here is a list of All-New Series 2 final art. If it has been sold it will show the following items:

    When it was sold
    Who it was sold to
    The price it sold for

    If it hasn't sold yet, it won't have any of the above information

    Date: 2004
    Series: All-New Series 2
    Cards: 1a/b - 40a/b / S1a/b - S6a/b / B1 - B2

    Pieces Left: 6

    Pieces Sold:
    Highest Price:
    Lowest Price:
    Average Price:
    Total Price:

  • #2
    Card: 1a / 1b
    Name: Peg Leg Greg / Justin Timber Leg
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: January 9 - 16, 2007
    High Bidder: lionelhutz_381
    Final Price: $1,325.00


    Card: 2a / 2b
    Name: Aerial Ariel / Bubbly Brianna
    Artist: John Pound

    High Bidder:
    Final Price:


    Card: 3a / 3b
    Name: Eaten Ethan / José Soufflé
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: November 10-17, 2005
    High Bidder: comet71
    Final Price: $338.00


    Card: 4a / 4b
    Name: Umbilical Corey / Unraveled Rafael
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: July 13-20, 2004
    High Bidder: zeoavenger
    Final Price: $361.52


    Card: 5a / 5b
    Name: Lost In Austin / Fat Chance
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    High Bidder:
    Final Price:


    Card: 6a / 6b
    Name: Leakin' Lee / Joustin' Josh
    Artist: Strephon Taylor

    Listed: February 19-26, 2008
    High Bidder: lionelhutz_381
    Final Price: $460.99


    Card: 7a / 7b
    Name: Game Over Gary / Germy Jeremy
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: August 19-26, 2004
    High Bidder: marvin2343
    Final Price: $356.58


    Card: 8a / 8b
    Name: Sk8 Nate / Flyin' Ryan
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: (?)
    High Bidder: (?)
    Final Price: (?)


    Card: 9a / 9b
    Name: Waxed Zack / Max Wax
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: July 27-August 3, 2004
    High Bidder: marvin2343
    Final Price: $304.99


    Card: 10a / 10b
    Name: Hooked Brooke / Kate Bait
    Artist: Pat and Sean Glover

    Listed: November 13-20, 2005
    High Bidder: pdqblues
    Final Price: $315.00


    Card: 11a / 11b
    Name: Bobble Bob / Will Wobble
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: September 19-26, 2004
    High Bidder: lionelhutz_381
    Final Price: $353.55


    Card: 12a / 12b
    Name: Bungee Benjy / Xtreme Xavier
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: October 25-November 1, 2005
    High Bidder: vado4
    Final Price: $456.00


    Card: 13a / 13b
    Name: Scuzzy Ozzy / Rockin' Rick
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    High Bidder:
    Final Price:


    Card: 14a / 14b
    Name: Scarin' Aaron / Corny Cody
    Artist: Strephon Taylor

    Listed: November 3-10, 2005
    High Bidder: pdqblues
    Final Price: $313.83


    Card: 15a / 15b
    Name: Skid Mark / Trackin' Travis
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: September 28-October 5, 2005
    High Bidder: lionelhutz_381
    Final Price: $328.00


    Card: 16a / 16b
    Name: Dandruff Dan / Jake Flake
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: December 1-8, 2005
    High Bidder: comet71
    Final Price: $388.99


    Card: 17a / 17b
    Name: Dish Grace / Amped Amanda
    Artist: Pat and Sean Glover

    Listed: November 27 - December 4, 2005
    High Bidder: mickandadcollectibles
    Final Price: $301.00


    Card: 18a / 18b
    Name: Taylor Tubby / Morgan Organ
    Artist: John Czop

    Listed: July 24-31, 2005
    High Bidder: mrweezer
    Final Price: $666.99


    Card: 19a / 19b
    Name: Spider Manny / Webby Wesley
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: July 25-August 1, 2005
    High Bidder: zeoavenger
    Final Price: $2,285.00


    Card: 20a / 20b
    Name: Number Juan / Tinklin' Tyler
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: December 1-8, 2005
    High Bidder: cvolp23
    Final Price: $519.00


    Card: 21a / 21b
    Name: Nicole Mole / Warty Courtney
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: September 14-21, 2004
    High Bidder: marvin2343
    Final Price: $313.83


    Card: 22a / 22b
    Name: Handy Hannah / Mary Mucous
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: August 25-September 1, 2004
    High Bidder: vado4
    Final Price: $377.83


    Card: 23a / 23b
    Name: Downloadin' Logan / Digital Devin
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: November 13-20, 2005
    High Bidder: comet71
    Final Price: $415.00


    Card: 24a / 24b
    Name: Hairy Henry / Wolfman Jack
    Artist: Strephon Taylor

    Listed: July 18-25, 2004
    High Bidder: jsemerad
    Final Price: $274.97


    Card: 25a / 25b
    Name: Cookie-Tosser Tessa / Krummy Kim
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: October 24-31, 2006
    High Bidder: lionel_hutz381
    Final Price: $405.27


    Card: 26a / 26b
    Name: Piranha Conner / Sean Gone
    Artist: Pat and Sean Glover

    Listed: September 6-13, 2005
    High Bidder: mickandadcollectibles
    Final Price: $394.00


    Card: 27a / 27b
    Name: Scabby Abby / Crusty Chris
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: September 21-28, 2004
    High Bidder: wattyler
    Final Price: $325.00


    Card: 28a / 28b
    Name: Armed Arnie / Oscar La Vista
    Artist: Jeff Zapata

    High Bidder:
    Final Price:


    Card: 29a / 29b
    Name: Gassy Garret / Fizzy Francisco
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: July 7-14, 2004
    High Bidder: etmedr
    Final Price: $304.00


    Card: 30a / 30b
    Name: Lippy Laura / Alyssa Kisser
    Artist: Pat and Sean Glover

    Listed: September 11-18, 2005
    High Bidder: villaguy
    Final Price: $314.00


    Card: 31a / 31b
    Name: Linty Lindsey / Bailey Button
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: June 16-23, 2005
    High Bidder: mrweezer
    Final Price: $576.00


    Card: 32a / 32b
    Name: Hecklin' Hector / Newsworthy Nick
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: Septermber 13-20, 2005
    High Bidder: mrweezer
    Final Price: $893.38


    Card: 33a / 33b
    Name: Car Sick Caroline / Icky Vicky
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: October 24-31, 2005
    High Bidder: comet71
    Final Price: $370.00


    Card: 34a / 34b
    Name: Toe Jam Sam / Jammin' Amber
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: February 17-24, 2008
    High Bidder: mvaughn
    Final Price: $405.00


    Card: 35a / 35b
    Name: Hayden Go Seek / Timid Tim
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: February 28-March 7, 2005
    High Bidder: tarpit
    Final Price: $1,025.00


    Card: 36a / 36b
    Name: Pete Achoo / Dorky Don
    Artist: John Pound

    High Bidder:
    Final Price:


    Card: 37a / 37b
    Name: Rest Stop Russ / Wet Brett
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: October 30-November 6, 2005
    High Bidder: vado4
    Final Price: $338.00


    Card: 38a / 38b
    Name: Torn Tori / Tearin' Erin
    Artist: Pat and Sean Glover

    Listed: November 20-27, 2005
    High Bidder: comet71
    Final Price: $340.00


    Card: 39a / 39b
    Name: Deflated David / Squirtin' Stephen
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: June 5-12, 2005
    High Bidder: bloodyhorror
    Final Price: $1,325.00


    Card: 40a / 40b
    Name: Lisa Loser / Marooned Marissa
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: September 28 - October 5, 2005
    High Bidder: starpacks
    Final Price: $920.00


    Card: S1a / S1b
    Name: Stony Tony / Ol' Faith Phil
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: December 13-20, 2004
    High Bidder: evansville101
    Final Price: $265.00


    Card: S2a / S2b
    Name: Cheese Luis / Eruptin' Eric
    Artist: Pat and Sean Glover

    Listed: July 6-13, 2005
    High Bidder: vado4
    Final Price: $455.00


    Card: S3a / S3b
    Name: Moldy Molly / Stinkin' Stephanie
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: December 5-12, 2004
    High Bidder: lionelhutz_381
    Final Price: $294.00


    Card: S4a / S4b
    Name: Careless Carlos / Klutzy Kevin
    Artist: Chris Hebel

    Listed: November 29 - December 6, 2005
    High Bidder: abds
    Final Price: $284.00


    Card: S5a / S5b
    Name: Topping Tom / Dom E. Nose
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    High Bidder:
    Final Price:


    Card: S6a / S6b
    Name: Gotta Go Joe / Ken Not Hold It
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: September 19-26, 2005
    High Bidder: pdqblues
    Final Price: $364.00


    Card: B1
    Name: On Camera Cameron
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: November 7-14, 2005
    High Bidder: comet71
    Final Price: $360.00


    Card: B2
    Name: Paintball Paul
    Artist: Strephon Taylor

    Listed: February 18-25, 2008
    High Bidder: jametser
    Final Price: $360.00


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